
StoryCards - 2019

Storycards were created to support reflection and communication of needs and desires around community living. They were designed in response to the difficulty we often have in defining “community”, including how we’d like it to look and feel, and articulating the ways in which realistic and beneficial change may be made with/for whom.

The cards depict a variety of potential community experiences, as told by the tenants of social housing communities in Queensland, Australia. They may be used as visual prompts for individual reflection, to guide group discussions, to encourage dialogues and spark curiosity around community living, and simply as postcards. They can also be expanded by adding new cards

StoryCards were made under the Care-full Collective.


StoryCard deck for print



Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)


Dr. Jaz Hee-jeong Choi: Interaction Design and research

Alice Brown: Interaction Design, research, and illustration